
Dec. 1, 2021

Chosen out of 16,000 - Once Upon a Gene Wins an Award and a Trip, and, and...With Effie Parks

Effie Parks hosts the Once Upon a gene podcast. Her son was born with a rare disease and it left her feeling completely isolated. She created the podcast to find other parents who are raising a kid with a rare disease. It's …
July 26, 2019

Jim Harold Talked to TV Legends

Jim Harold has been podcasting since the early days of podcasting at www.jimharold.com and does podcasting full time around his Paranormal podcast. He recently started a show called Pod Lords, and on it, he explained how he …
June 29, 2018

JEN BRINEY is Appearing on CSPAN

If you are an American YOU NEED to listen to Congressional Dish. Jen Briney started off reading every bill that went through congress. She has been doing great work on her show (and I know I voted differently last time due t…
June 22, 2018

Paul Colligan Got to Hang Out With Alice Cooper

Paul Colligan has been podcasting for many years. I once did a show with Paul, Hall of Fame Podcaster Rob Walch (now VP of Podcaster Relations at Libsyn.com ), Hall of Fame Podcaster Gary LeLeand (co-founder of Podcast Movem…
June 15, 2018

Because Of My Podcast

Here is a compilation of many people I've interviewed over the years. We will be back soon with more episodes. Because of My Podcast: I was able to get a dream trip to a Lambo field and watch my beloved Green Bay packers I i…
Jan. 21, 2017

My Podcast Made Everything Possible - Dana Gould

Download File I was reading an article where West Word was interviewing Dana Gould (Who I find hilarious) and they asked him he still does his podcast (the Dana Gould Hour) while now running/writing the show Stan Against Evi…
Dec. 21, 2016

I Got Press Credentials

Cheri Fields has at least 7 children, and produces the Creation Science for Kids Podcast http://creationscience4kids.com/ Today Cheri shares a story about both her and her 13 year old daughter both got press passes to go to …
Dec. 14, 2016

I Got Free Recording Equipment

Cale Nelson produces and hosts the Ham Radio 360 podcast. He shared this story on Facebook. Last week, a listener contacted me via email. He is one of my Pateron Supporters. He said he noticed on my Pateron page the goal for…
Dec. 7, 2016

I Have Three Shows on TV

Unscripted Television: reality TV shows, documentary series, feature length docs — that’s what we make at our Film and Television Production Company Joke Productions, Inc. And we want to work with you. That’s what the Produc…
Dec. 1, 2016

My Network Has Grown and I Have More Resources

Nick earned a Masters in Mechanical Engineering from Union College and MBA from the University of Florida. He obtained Lean/Six Sigma and Project Management Professional (PMP) certifications, and worked 14 years in the nucl…
Nov. 9, 2016

I Got the Attention Of My State

Jim Collison does a podcast for his job. Also at his job work with an intern program that includes high school students. He got interviewed about the program (see the video at http://gallupgethip.com/info , but what caught t…
Nov. 2, 2016

I Got Too Many Customers

John Dennis started his podcast Smart Time Online. Little did he know that by putting his best advice into audio form, it would gain so much interest. He would get past gate keepers and end up getting contracts with BIG comp…
Oct. 27, 2016

Podcasting Boost Sales For the Membership Site Academy

Does podcasting boost sales? It sure helped the Membership Site Academy . In today's podcast Mike Morrison explains how his launch was not as consistent as he wanted, but yet when he worked with his new customers, he discove…
Oct. 26, 2016

My Students Have Better Grades

Craig Wealand from http://www.inglespodcast.com/ came in on my Ask the Podcast Coach Show, and shared this story. Craig teaches English to people in Spain. One half of his class he assigned listening to English podcasts as h…
Oct. 11, 2016

Kenn Blanchard Got a Computer

Kenn Blanchard hosts many podcasts. I found Kenn when from his Black Man With a Gun podcast. He is one of my favorite people, and one time help talk one of his listeners (who knew Ken was also a Pastor) out of committing sui…
Sept. 27, 2016

Lucas Apps Builds Relationships That Lead To Opportunities

Lucas Apps does the Triangle Tactical podcast about competitive shooting. The podcast serves the North Carolina Research Triangle and beyond with firearms and outdoors news, self defense, and competitive shooting content. Lu…
Sept. 20, 2016

Rick Sizemore's Audio Business Card Leads to More Exposure

Your podcast will help you land guests, and those guests can then point people to your website. Your website then becomes an audio business card that can capture people's attention. This is what the VR Workforce Studio Podca…
Sept. 6, 2016

Jim Collison Gets to Podcast At Work and Win Awards

Jim Collison does a podcast for the company he works for (Gallup). You can listen to his Theme Thursday Here and Subscribe to the show in iTunes Here Jim has been doing a podcast for his job and putting in the work. At first…
Aug. 30, 2016

Michael O'Connell Got a Book Deal

Today you get two stories in one episode. 1. I was interviewed for a book because of the School of Podcasting Podcast. 2. Michael explains how his podcast at itsalljournalism.com got doors to open up, got him in front of the…
Aug. 19, 2016

I Got a Job Doing Social Media

Henry Jasper one a one year subscription to the School of Podcasting . That lead him to start the Voices That Carry Podcast . That lead to him getting multiple customers doing social media for them.
Aug. 12, 2016

I Didn't Kill Myself and I Got a TV Show

I was listening to Kevin Smith' s Keynote address at Podcast Movement 2016 and he shared the story about how his friend Bryan Johnson was ready to kill himself. Kevin told him to start a podcast, and even though he didn't re…
Aug. 4, 2016

I'm Hosting a TV Episode

Today we follow the story of Troy Heinrtiz who has been able to 1. Meet Actors of his favorite TV shows 2. Meet the Writers of his favorite TV show 3. Got a tour of his favorite TV shows 4. Got to interview and hangout with …
July 28, 2016

I Am Getting To Talk to NBA Stars

Adam from inallairness.com shares how because of his podcast he is now speaking with NBA stars of the Michael Jordan era like Christian Latner who was also on the USA dream team.
July 15, 2016

I Got a Job as a Guidance Counselor

From time to time I'm going to sneak in my own stories. So this one goes back years ago when I first was getting into education. I had a job interview with Chancellor University and when they saw I understood how to podcast …