Effie Parks hosts the Once Upon a gene podcast. Her son was born with a rare disease and it left her feeling completely isolated. She created the podcast to find other parents who are raising a kid with a rare disease. It's f...
Jim Harold has been podcasting since the early days of podcasting at www.jimharold.com and does podcasting full time around his Paranormal podcast. He recently started a show called Pod Lords, and on it, he explained how he h...
If you are an American YOU NEED to listen to Congressional Dish. Jen Briney started off reading every bill that went through congress. She has been doing great work on her show (and I know I voted differently last time due to...
Paul Colligan has been podcasting for many years. I once did a show with Paul, Hall of Fame Podcaster Rob Walch (now VP of Podcaster Relations at Libsyn.com ), Hall of Fame Podcaster Gary LeLeand (co-founder of Podcast Moveme...
Here is a compilation of many people I've interviewed over the years. We will be back soon with more episodes. Because of My Podcast: I was able to get a dream trip to a Lambo field and watch my beloved Green Bay packers I im...
Download File I was reading an article where West Word was interviewing Dana Gould (Who I find hilarious) and they asked him he still does his podcast (the Dana Gould Hour) while now running/writing the show Stan Against Evil...
"I love this podcast! Where else can you be motivated so much in such a short period of time. You never know what connections can be made because of your podcast. This podcast gives me the insight …"
"Love this show! As a podcaster it's great to hear the success stories. They're highly motivating and speak volumes of what may come, because of my podcast. Thanks Dave."